16.09. – 21.09.2025


Violent and exploitative human behaviour has caused a severe imbalance in the various ecosystems; the Earth resembles a wasteland, deemed unsuitable for human habitation. Elitist groups, primarily responsible for much of this destruction, have left Earth and taken refuge in space. Those who think and feel differently, who share different values and norms, the marginalised and excluded, are left behind on an Earth that is doomed. The departure of those responsible for this ecological catastrophe holds the chance of recovery, a creative and healing force allowing something new to emerge – lush, fertile and rich in resources.

The key to „Mutual Crossing“ lies within ourselves, in our thoughts, feelings and the art we create. The different energies of Black Pearl and Fetish Priesta, dance and music merge; art becomes a common language, a spark of transformation. Flowing movement and music reflect the healing process, creating light and balance and the potential for a different reality. “Mutual Crossing” is a powerful reminder that our actions today determine the future; a call for self-reflection, acceptance of diversity and the use of creative energy to heal and transform our world, creating a place where joy, peace and harmony thrive.

Choreography: Black Pearl
Music: Jared MK aka Fetish Priesta
Costume: Kasapio by Natia KA


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