16.09. – 21.09.2025

Iury Salustiano Trojaborg
Kuyum Arts 2021

Iury Salustiano Trojaborg

I am an interdisciplinary, queer, non-binary, migrant artist who has worked practically and theoretically in Theatre, Performance, Dance and Opera since 2006 in different environments and roles, including actor, performer, writer, director and dramaturg in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Copenhagen (Denmark), Poznan (Poland), Berlin (Germany) and Oldenburg (Germany).

I have a BA in Acting from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2009) and a conjoint Erasmus Mundus MA in Performing Arts from the Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main and Københavns Universitet, Denmark (2012) financed through a scholarship awarded by the European Union.

After moving to Berlin in 2013 I received other scholarships, such as the Mentoring program of PAP (Performing Arts Program Berlin) and from the Goethe Institut. The latter allowed me to take part in the International Forum of the Theatertreffen of the Berliner Festspiele in 2015; the former forged my professional collaboration as a dramaturg, performer and director with Ballhaus Naunynstrasse and Studio Я Maxim Gorki Theatre. During my period of residence in Berlin I worked as a freelancer with the two afore mentioned venues, as well as with Theater o.N. (2019/2021), Hebbel am Ufer Theater (2019/2020) and SAVVY Contemporary Art Gallery (2020).


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