16.09. – 21.09.2025


The solo performance deals with the most fundamental and existential questions about the present and future of our planet and attempts to provide answers through a new style of movement.

This performance deals with the existential questions of the present: How will the future shape up for us? What changes is nature undergoing? What are the consequences of global warming and how will the earth be transformed?

Inspired by life and with his new dance style “Afro-Somatic”, Kossi is developing a new way of moving his body and letting it speak – for the pain of Mother Earth and the animals. After his collaboration with the ensemble of Of Curious Nature, the idea for the solo “The Fruit of Life” was born.

Directed, choreography: Kossi Sebastien Aholou-Wokawui
Performer: Kossi Sebastien Aholou-Wokawui
Music: sonne Collage
©Photos: Marianne Menke


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