

Production Manager

Tine Elbel

Tina Elbel is an artistic production manager, dramaturge, and curator in the performing arts.
She studied education and completed a postgraduate course in drama and theater education and at the HdK Berlin.
During her postgraduate training, she did various assistant directors and dramaturges as part of the drama training at the HdK. In seasons 2001/2002 to 2003/2004 she was assistant dramaturge and production dramaturge at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin.

Afterward she worked as a dramaturge in the independent scene, interrupted by various positions at the Maxim Gorki
Theatre (artistic director: Armin Petras). For eleven years now she has been a freelance producer, dramaturge and press officer. In these fields she has worked for Opera Lab Berlin, Matthias Kaul, Tobias Rausch, Howard Katz Rausch, Howard Katz, Chris Kondek, Riki von Falken, shifts, flunker produktionen, the PATHOS Theatre Munich and many others. For four years now, she has been working regularly as co-curator and artistic production manager for the Theater im Delphi and currently as production manager for Kuyum Arts on project basis.




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